lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

Trade Voidcritters For All Ages by Shimrod101. Ahora con 4 versiones.


                                                        Actualizado 17/12/2017:

           Hecho con

-  Asi pues ahora son 4 versiones ( SOLO USEN UNO ):

de Niños a Adolecentes.

de Niños a Jovenes Adultos.

 de Niños a Adultos.

 de Niños a Ancianos.


El codigo cambio de  1.36.104. to sin embargo la version de 1.36 todavia funciona pero como es mejor estar seguro que lamentarlo construi los nuevos archivos con el codigo de No necestitan volver a dercargar a menos que los sientan necesario.


domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017

         Rasgo Personalizado Amante de los Animales


 SimmerSarah hizo originalmente este rasgo personalizado pero era un poco "limitado" pues solo añadia algunos caprichos y lo mas importante fue hecho antes de Perros y Gatos asi que yo lo "mejore".


Compra unVarita de gato
Compra una caja de arena de alta tecnología
Compra una caja de arena
Usa tu Varita de gato con {2.SimFirstName}
Utiliza su puntero láser con {2.SimFirstName}
Jugar a la pelota
Lleva a tu perro a caminar
Atrapar un pez
Adopta un gato
Compra un Condominio para gatos
Compra una poste de rascado
Compra un alimentador automático de mascotas
Conoce un gato
Jugar con un gato
Acariciar un gato
Adopta un perro
Conoce un perro
Acariciar un perro
Jugar con un perro
Pon una carnada
Pesca por una hora
Subir de nivel en la habilidade de pesca
Montar un pez

Atrapa {0.Number} Peces
Haz una gran captura
Compra un pescado
Haz una captura increíble
Atrapa un pez usando cebo
Atrapar un pez
Recoge un nuevo insecto
Recoge una nueva rana
Cocinar comida para mascotas
Compre una pelota para mascotas
Compre una cama para mascotas
Compre una caja de juguetes para mascotas
Comprar jugete chillon
Limpia una pila de cabello!
Cocina Comida Gurmet para macotas

Bono de proximidad: +1 cuando se esta cerca de un perro o gato.

“Un hermoso gato !!!! no es un perro !!!!!!!! no es……..”

Incremento mayor en las siguientes hablidades: 

10% Habilidad de Pesca
30% Habilidad de Entrenamiento de Mascotas
30% Habilidad Veteniraria

Incremento en la tasa de crecimoento de  amistad ( con los sins, no se como hacerlo con las mascotas )


Necesidad Social 10% nas lento

Necesidad de Diversion 10%  mas lento

Higiene 20%  mas rapido ( Porque se pasan todo el tiempo jugando con mascotas ).


Fand de los Gatos y Fan de los Perros. En pruebas los sims parecen obsecionados con las mascotas, si es demasiado puedo reducirlo.


Español por mi

Ingles por mi ( Si alguien quiere hacer una mejor traduccuib o añadir otro lenguage puede hacerlo con gusto )

Este easgo puede considerase un trabajo en progreso, si alguien me sugiere algo bueno o deseo agregarle algo mas ( cada dia estoy aprendiendo cosas nuevas ) este puede cambiar o hacer una nueva version.


Creditos Adicionales

Simmersarah de quien se baso este rago

Sim 4 Studio.

Zerbu´s The Sims 4 Mod Constructor V3.

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


 Play Voidcritters For All Ages by Shimrod101. Ahora con 4 versiones.


                                                        Actualizado 16/12/2017:

           Hecho con

- Por solicitud hice una nueva version. De Niños a Adolcentes.

- Como ya hay versiones para de Niños a Adolecentes, de Niños a Adultos y de Niños a Ancianos entonces hice otra nueva version de Niños a Jovenes Adultos.

-  Asi pues ahora son 4 versiones ( SOLO USEN UNO ):

de Niños a Adolecentes.

de Niños a Jovenes Adultos.

 de Niños a Adultos.

 de Niños a Ancianos.


El codigo cambio de  1.36.104. to sin embargo la version de 1.36 todavia funciona pero como es mejor estar seguro que lamentarlo construi los nuevos archivos con el codigo de No necestitan volver a dercargar a menos que los sientan necesario.


jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

                  Pronto vendran grandes cosas !!!!!


Aunque que ahora me encuentro acatarrado y ha hecho que trabaje mas lento sin embargo he hechos grandes avances, actualice con exito (?) varios mods ( me dedicado principalmente a modificar mas que a jugar asi que no podido probarlos ). Tambien estoy "mejorando" varios rasgos personalizados, en especial los de SimmerSarah de los cuales tengo permiso de usar, pienso hacer los mios propios ( ya tengo algunas ideas ) y algunos otros rasgo que parecen "abandonados".

Por degracia no siempre todo funciona, tengo antiguos proyectos que parece que no funcionaron...... al menos necesito revisarlo de nuevo a ver si encuentro el problema pero no todo ha sido malas noticias tengo otros proyectos con rasgos personalisazos pero eso es una sorpresa...........

Bueno tal vez cuando me sienta mejor voy a probar todo lo he hecho hasta ahora pues no quiero publicarlos asi nada mas.

Y como compensacion aqui voy a publicar aqhi primero ( ademas que tengo flojera de traducirlos ), despues en mi Tumblr y por ultimo en el sitio Modthesims. Esten pendientes.

domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

No ha muerto este blog pero la verdad le estoy dando prioridad a mi Tumblr en ingles. Cuando tenga tiempo voy actualizar aqui algunas cosas y publicar las ultimas noticias.

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

        Tutorial para importar traducciones con Sims 4 Studio

Alguien me pido ayuda para poder importar traduciones a su rasgos personalizados. Aqui les podre un pequeño tutorial de como hacerlo:

Primero abren Sim 4 Studio y entran a a mis proyectos:

Ahora buscamos nuestro el archivo al que queremos añadirle una traduccion, en nuestro caso SimmerSarah_VainTrait

Como podemos ver en la imagen seleccionamos el idioma Ruso a la izquierda y presionamos importar abajo a la derecha


Ahora vamos a importar el idioma Ruso al archivo. Existen 2 opciones: archivos .binary cuales son cadenas de texto exportadas por Sims 4 Studio y archivos  .stlb cuales son archivo que se optiene de programas como  TS4 STBL Editor.

Como vemos en la imagen  solo se muestra los archivos .binary, si nuestro archivo es .stbl no se va mostrar.

Si nuestra traduccion es .binary omitamos el siguiente paso si esta en formato .stbl vean la siguiente imagen.

Ahora nuestro traduccion esta en formato .stbl y no lo podemos ver asi que hacemos los siguiente: en la parte abajo y a la izquierda donde podemos escoger que tipo de archivo vamos abrir elegimos "All Filetype (*.*)"

Como podemos ver en la imagen de arriba ya se ve nuetra traduccion en formato .stbl.  Asi pues si la traduccion esta en fornato .binary tan solo importamos seleccionando el archivo en nuetro caso llamado SimmerSarah_VainTrait_Russian.binary entonces apretamos la opcion importar en la parte izquierda ( en azul ).

Si el archivo estaba en formato .stbl entonces hacemos el paso anterior y entonces elegimos en nuetro caso S4_220557DA_00000000_1273E6C6036CB06E%%+STBL.stbl entonces apretamos la opcion importar en la parte izquierda ( en azul ).

Una vez que hayan apretado importar y refresquen la imagen ( cambian a otra traduccion y regresan).  Asi pues como pueden ver en la imagen de abajo ya tenemos nuestra traduccion en Ruso.

Apreten guardar y salgan. Ya tienen su traduccion en Ruso, espero que le haya ayudado en algo.

martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

      Mayor nivel de habilidad como requisito para pertenecer a un grupo.





Siempre me ha parecido el nivel de 2 de habiliddad como requisito para unirse a un grupo muy bajo,  casi inmediatamente alcanzas el nivel 2 de cualquier habilidad para es mejor no poner ningun requisito, no puede crear grupos de verdaderos expertos por ejemplo un grupo de hackers, un grupo de verdaderos deportistas, de coineros o cocteleros elite.

Y tal como esta actualmente el nivel habilidad requerido no sirve de para  y nunca lo uso, por eso hice este mod.

Eleva el requisito de ingreso de 2 a 5, o sea tienes que tener cuando menos 5 de nivel de una habididad para unirte a un grupo. Ya se pueden tener grupos elite.

Planeo hacer variaciones con 3, 8 y 10 niveles de habilidad solo quiero ver que opina la gente no quiero hacer trabaja en valde si a nadien le intersa.

Bueno veamos algunas imagenes:

                                                           Asi se ve el juego con sin el mod

                        En esta imagen vemos que el nivel de requisito de habilidad es de 2 superior

                   Aqui vemos como Max tiene un nivel mayor a 2 en la habilidad en pilleria.

                               Por lo tanto puede puede estar en el grupo de los "Renegados"                  

                                                   Ahora veamos que pasa con el mod.

              En esta imgen vemos que ahora se necesita un nivel mayor a 5 de habilidad para unirse a un club.



              Aqui vemos como Max tiene un nivel menor a 5 en la habilidad en pilleria.

          Por lo tanto Max ya no puede pertencer al club los "Renegados", pobre Max ahora debe esforzarse mas y ser verdaderamente pillo para estar en el club.

Asi pues si quiero un grupo de principiantes no pongo requistos, pero ahora si quiero puedo tener un grupo de expertos.

Asi pues espero que le guste y como dige antes pueden crease grupo con nivel de habilidad de 3 a 10 ( uno a la vez por supuesto ) si la gente me pide otras versiones lo puedo hacer solo de momento me voy a probar con nivel 5.

Conflictos conocidos;

Club Requriment: Gender Filters (Updated 11/10/2017) by Iam4ever 

More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] by Eurynome updated for Cats and Dogs 

HigherMoneyRequrimentforClubs by edespino

Nota: Mas tarde añadire versiones compatible con More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] by Eurynome updated for Cats and Dogs y HigherMoneyRequrimentforClubs by edespino.


domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

Bueno he pensado como la mayoria de la gente que juega los Los Sims 4 habla Ingles o al menos lo entiende como yo asi que publicar en Español va tener muy poca audiencia asi que hice un Tumblr en ingles. Voy a publicar en los 2 sitios. Aqui primero proque me es mas facil escribir en Español, una vez que lo haya hecho lo voy a traducir al Ingles y publicar los en Tumblr.

Well I thought like most people who play what The Sims 4 speak English or at least understand it as I do, so publishing in Spanish will have very little audience so I made a Tumblr in English. I'll post on the 2 sites. Here first because it is easier for me to write in Spanish, once I have done it I am going to translate it into English and post them on Tumblr.

El enlace para mi Tumblr es:

The link for my Tumblr is:
Mi primera modificacion, por fin he hecho algo nuevo por mi mismo. Despues de haber editado modificaciones de otros autores aprendi algo. Espero que este sea el primero de muchas modificaciones tengo algunas ideas pero todavia me falta experiencia.


 Siempre me ha molestado el tan bajo limite  de dinero requerido para considar una casa rica en los clubes, 30,000 , es un chiste ???? casi cualquier familia rebasa ese limite.

Asi el requisito de dinero para clubes era en la practicamente inutil y desde hace tiempo lo he querido alterar pero no sabia como hasta hace unos dias. Y es asi como nacio esta modificacion.

 Bueno ahora veamos mejor con graficos:

Como pueden ver en la imagen el limite para pobre 10,000 ( es ridiculo ) para clase media de 10,000 a 30,000  y tal vez lo peor rica mas de 30,000. Asi si tienes una casa que valga 20,000 y 11,000 en efectivo para requisitos de clubes con 31, 000 ya eres rico lo cual es muy bajo.

La modificacion altera eso, eleva el limite para pobre a minimo 50, 000 asi esta mejor: puedes tener una casa de 20.000 y tendrias que tener mas de 30.000 en efectivo para que no sea pobre. Ahora la mayoria de las familias "principiantes" seran pobres.

La clase media ahora seria de 50.000 a 150,000 lo cual suena mas razonable.

Y por ultimo para ser considerado una familia rica necesitas mas 150, 000. Ahora solo las familias con buena casa o mucho efectivo caen en esta categoria, Estoy pensando aumentar todavia mas esto pues todavia me parece algo bajo pero esta es una base.

Ahora si se puede tener verdaderos club solo de ricos, pobres o clase media. Ya existe una verdadera diferenciacion

Ahora con numeros:

Sin mod

Pobre:  0 - 10,000

Medio: 10.001 - 30,000

Rico;  30,000 - .............

Con el mod:

Pobre:   0 - 50,000

Medio: 50.001 - 150,000

Rico    150,001 - .............

Importante: El mod fue creado en Español y mientras añadi cadenas de texto en Ingles no lo pruebo probar si funciona asi que si encuentra algun problema reportelo.

Descarga/ Download:

Conflictos conocidos;

Club Requriment: Gender Filters (Updated 11/10/2017) by Iam4ever 

More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] by Eurynome updated for Cats and Dogs 

Nota: Mas tarde añadire versiones compatible con More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] by Eurynome updated for Cats and Dogs

Este mod use y no va funcionar con otro mod que use este XML;


Creditos Adicionales:

Sims 4 Studio

Eurynom porque gracias a su mod empeze a enterder como funcionan los XML y la modificacion en general.

sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2017

Otro Rasgo Personalizado que pidieron actualizar. Una nota mantendre los Rasgos Personalizados y Mods en general aqui mientras el autor original no lo actulize o me pida que lo quite. Una vez que vea que el autor lo actualice voy a removerlo y poner el enlace para con el original.

Ya casi tengo listas modificaciones hechas por mi, esten pendiente.

Actualizado para:

Lo habia olvidado darle el credito que se merece a Scarlet en SimsVip por su guia sin ella no podria haber actualizado nada, si les gustan las actualizaciones vayan al sitio y denle las gracias-

                                            Immortal Trait 


              Descripcion Original: 


This mod adds the "Immortal" trait.
Just as the name indicates the trait makes your sim immortal.
It will neither age nor die.

Trait Information

Trait name: Immortal

Does the trait give your sim a buff: no

Buff name: -

Buff description: -



Creditos Adicionales:
Sims 4 Studio. 
 Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial


viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

En sitio Modthesim me pidieron si podia actualizar algunos Rasgos Personalizados. Bueno ya lo hice y aqui se los dejo:

Precaucion algunos son realmente viejos y mientra parecen que funcionan no se que puede pasar al largo plazo.

Todos los estan actualizados para:

                                      Natural Talent Trait

Mod original por Amayka

                   Descripcion Original:


This is one of my first couple traits I've made with Zerbu's Trait and Buff Factory. Essentially, sims with this trait gain everything faster because they are naturally talented/gifted. I have tested this in game (as I test them all of course) and everything works fine and it should not conflict with anything. HOWEVER, if anything is wrong, or something happens, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I will do what I can to fix it!

I am still new at this so please bear with me! I hope to make many more traits and maybe even some aspirations some day (and if I get another computer with more space, I might see if I can figure out recolors, and maybe making my own mods/cc )

More Trait Info
This trait gives a confident buff of +5 called, respectively, Natural Talent. Your sims will get a variety of occasional whims including: playing an instrument, talking about dreams, showing off muscles and a couple others! As stated above, sims with this trait gain ALL skills faster (gain factor of +2 on all) are more successful in their careers(gain factor of +1.55 on all), and even have slight gains to friendship(gain factor of +1.25) and romance(gain factor of +1.2)!


Creditos Adicionales: 
Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial


                                         Goth Trait 


      Mod original   por Staarchild

              Descripcion Original: 

 Goths love everything dark. They are Sad by default and tend towards being a Loner. They have a natural talent for writing, especially poetry, and also are Bookworms. Goth Sims are big Music Lovers and like to talk about music with their Gothic friends.

 Give them dark clothes, a dark room, gothic music on the radio, a bookcase and something to write poetry on to keep these Sims happy... well, you know what I mean.


        Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
 Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial


                   Anxious Trait (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

     Mod original  por skilynn

                       Descripcion Original: 

Inspired by saphryn's Depressed trait, iridescentlaura's Social Anxiety Disorder trait, emile20's Bipolar trait, and miceylulu's Borderline Personality Disorder trait, I have made a trait to portray Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry, that is, apprehensive expectation about events or activities. This excessive worry often interferes with daily functioning, as individuals with GAD typically anticipate disaster, and are overly concerned about everyday matters such as health issues, money, death, family problems, friendship problems, interpersonal relationship problems, or work difficulties. [

  • Bladder, Hygiene, Fun, and Energy decrease at a faster rate. Hunger and Social decrease slower.
  • Creative skills, especially musical skills, are built faster, as they are common coping mechanisms for people who suffer from this disorder. The Video gaming skill also increases faster.
  • If you have Spa Day, the Wellness skill is built faster, as meditation and yoga are common coping skills.
  • Since it is hard to balance anxiety with logic, the Logic skill is harder to build.
  • Social skills are harder to build.
  • Anxious Sims find it harder to succeed in "high-stress" or "high-risk" jobs: Astronaut, Business, Secret Agent, Doctor (Get to Work), and Politics (City Living). It is easier for them to succeed in other jobs, though: Painter and Tech Guru.
  • Teens with the trait have a harder time succeeding in school, and succeeding in the Retail career.
  • Sims with GAD often feel misunderstood, so it is harder for them to build relationships.

 There are six buffs Anxious Sims will get.
  • Feeling Anxious: Your Sim is feeling anxious, like something might go wrong at any moment. 80% chance of appearing, +3 Tense, 6hrs
  • Ruminating: What if, what if, what if... Your Sim can't stop running everything over and over in their mind. 50% chance of appearing, +3 Tense, 4hrs
  • Panic Attack!: It's too much! Your Sim has been overcome with their anxiety and is having a panic attack! 15% chance of appearing, +8 Tense, 4hrs
  • It's Over: The panic attack has passed. Your Sim is exhausted now. Always appears after a panic attack, +5 Dazed, 4hrs
  • Sick of Being Sick: Why can't I be normal? Dealing with anxiety every day is sometimes enough to make your Sim cry! 30% chance of appearing, +3 Sad, 4hrs
  • Feeling Calm: The anxiety has subsided. Your Sim is feeling pretty great! 20% chance of appearing, +3 Happy, 4hrs

   Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial

                               Social Anxiety Disorder - Trait 


                  Descripcion Original: 
 Sims with social anxiety disorder suffer from distorted thinking, including false beliefs about social situations and the negative opinions of others.

Without treatment, social anxiety disorder can negatively interfere with the sim’s normal daily routine, including school, work, social activities, and relationships. A Sim with social anxiety disorder may be afraid of a specific situation, such as speaking in public. However, most sims with social anxiety disorder fear more than one social situatio

 Tense: (+1 and +2 to this emotion) Two different buffs and the chances are from 70% to 80% and will last 4/5 hours.

Embarassed: (+2 and +3 added) Two buffs, chances from 80% to 90% and both last 4 hours.

Uncomfortable: (+2 and +4 added) Two buffs, chances from 55% to 85% and will last 2 and 6 hours.

Sad: (+3 added to the emotion) One buff, 55% chance and lasts 6 hours.

Relationships can be harder to build.
Sims with social anxiety have an hard time with the following careers: Political, Social Media, Entertainer.

For teens: Going to high school can be hard and also working as a Barista.

Since it is social anxiety, sims will have this emotions indoors(Sadness and Anxiety attack) and outdoors(Restaurants, Gyms, Clubs and at work). Fun will be very rare to feel(most of all buffs have fast fun decay) because with this disorder they rarely can forget about their feelings.
Sims will have both emotional and physical reactions. I added Anxiety attack which make them go to the toilet a lot of times and it can happen frequently.
I am not telling you all the details because i want you to descover it yourself so you can really live with your sim all the emotions and concerns. 

  skilynn update it you can find here:

   Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial

                 Borderline Personality Disorder Custom Trait 


     Mod original   por miceylulu

                 Descripcion Original: 

This mod adds the custom trait "Borderline" that severely affects mood and needs.

Sims with Borderline Personality Disorder become attached to people quickly, are impulsive, become lonely very easily, and experience bouts of anxiety, fear of abandonment, and inappropriate anger.

> Mood Buffs
  • Fear of Abandonment (very sad, lasts 4 hours in game time)
  • Inappropriate Anger (very angry, lasts 2 hours game time)
  • Anxiety (very tense, lasts 4 hours in game time)

What if no one likes your Sim? What if they're just pretending? What if they just haven't figured out what you're really like?

Your Sim knows it's not a very good reason, but they are very angry!

Your Sim is feeling anxious.

> Needs and Skills
  • Social decays very quickly (2x the norm), leaving your Sim very prone to loneliness, increases slightly slower
  • Friendships increase quickly, decrease slightly slower
  • Romantic relationships increase quickly, decrease slightly slower
  • Social skills just slightly more difficult to increase
  • Creative skills just slightly easier to increase

> Whims (mean to show the impulsiveness of starting and ending relationships that comes with "splitting" (black and white thinking / devaluing and idealizing)
  • Buy an Item Worth 1000
  • Buy an Item Worth 100
  • Kiss a Sim
  • WooHoo with Someone
  • Ask to be Girlfriend / Boyfriend
  • Ask to Go Steady with Someone
  • Get Married to Sim
  • Get Engaged to Sim
  • Break Up with Sim
  • Divorce Sim

  Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial

                              Aspergers Custom Trait 


                     Descripcion Original: 

What does this mod do?

This mod adds the custom trait "Aspergers" that affects mood, needs, skill gain.

Sims with Aspergers can become obsessive over people and things, need more reassurance than others, and can become overstimulated.

> Mood Buffs
  • Obsessed (focused, lasts 5 hours in game time)
  • Overstimulated (tense, lasts 3 hours game time)

Your Sim is completely focused on their favorite thing!

Your Sim's senses are overloaded!

> Needs and Skills
  • Social decays slower, increases faster
  • Energy decays faster
  • More difficulty increasing Child Social and Charisma skills
  • Logic skill increases at 1.3x
  • Friendships increase more slowly, decrease more quickly
  • Romantic relationships increase more slowly, decrease more quickly

> Whims
  • Will use whims from "Loner" trait
  • Ask for Reassurance from Someone
  • Enthuse About Interests with Someone
  • Research on the Computer
  • Prepare an Omelet (meant to be their favorite food that they frequently want to make)
  • Talk about Dreams with Someone
  • Enthuse about a New Show




  Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial

                                    The ADHD Trait 2.0


            Mod original   por o0ohaleyo0o

                          Descripcion Original: 



Energy decays slightly faster (at a 0.9 rate).
Fun decays faster (at a 0.8 rate).
Why: People with ADHD end up exhausting themselves rather quickly while jumping from one thing to the next. At times they have to use more of their energy to help them focus on important things. It becomes dreadfully boring to entertain tedious tasks which unfortunately can be a part of daily life, so people with ADHD need to be entertained and stimulated more often than others.

Mischief Skill increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Why: People with ADHD are prone to getting themselves into more trouble than the average Joe, it's often due to their impulsivity and their hunger for stimulation that causes this.

DJ Mixing Skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Painting Skill increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Writing Skill increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Photography Skill increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Why: People with ADHD very often have a dominant right-brain. This causes them to respond better to creative things such as painting, music, poetry and many other forms of art. (I can verify this science to be true! At least with my 21 years of ADHD life experience ;P)

Child Creativity Skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Why: People with ADHD very often have a dominant right-brain. This causes them to respond better to creative things such as painting, music, poetry and many other forms of art. (I can verify this science to be true! At least with my 21 years of ADHD life experience ;P)

Child Motor Skill: increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Why: Because people with ADHD are right-brained this obviously means that their left-brain is less active. Clumsiness and poor coordination are often associated with ADHD. (I can also verify this to be pretty accurate xP)

Child Social Skill: increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Why: ADHD can be difficult to understand for people outside, looking in. A lot of children struggle socially and often experience social rejection because of their relationship problems due to their inattention and impulsiveness.

Criminal Career performance increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Writer Career performance increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Painter Career performance increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Detective Career performance increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Entertainer Career performance increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Scientist Career performance increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Why: Jobs that involve a wide variety of tasks and room for creativity are the best kinds of jobs for people with ADHD!

Astronaut Career performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Business Career performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
TechGuru Career performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Why: Any kind of job that keeps a person confined for long periods of time and involve repetitive and tedious tasks with little to no room for creativity are not the best kinds of jobs for people with ADHD. Short attention spans do not usually mix well with jobs like these. (Not to say they can't at all).

High School performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Grade School performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Why: School at all ages (especially when there is a severe lack of interest with mandatory subjects) is a constant struggle for someone with ADHD.

Teen PT Job: Manual Labor performance increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).
Why: Right-brained people tend to learn and work a lot better when the tasks involved are "hands-on". With manual labor there is a lot of "hands-on" work and also a wide range of tasks available that are constantly changing and because of this the job tends to feel a lot less tedious and boring.

Teen PT Job: Barista performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).

Teen PT Job: Fast Food performance increases slower (at a rate of 0.8).
Why: Barista and Fast Food jobs are very repetitive and often involve standing in one (or two) spots for long periods of time. When it's not rush-hour these jobs are especially boring for someone with ADHD.


Extra credit homework is more beneficial (at a rate of 1.2).
Makeup homework (done @ school) is more beneficial (at a rate of 1.2).
Normal homework is completed slower (at a rate of 0.8)
Why: It takes more time to finish homework because of inattention and lack of motivation and or focus... Sometimes it's never even completed. Often times homework left undone will need to be made up for, and the pressure can at times be helpful for this. Sometimes making up for unfinished homework at school can severly save an ass. (LOL). Extra credit homework is especially beneficial to make up for any incomplete assignments...

Feeling Distracted:
+5 Dazed for 5 hours.

+8 Energized for 3 hours.

+5 Sad for 5 hours.

+6 Stressed for 6 hours.

Hyperfocused:+10 Focused for 4 hours.
Extra credit homework is extremely beneficial (at a very high rate of 1.6)
Makeup homework (done @ school) is extremely beneficial (at a very high rate of 1.6).
Homework is completed much faster (at a rate of 1.4)

High school performance increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Grade school performance increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).

Writing skill increases extremely fast (at a very high rate of 1.6).
Painting skill increases extremely fast (at a very high rate of 1.6).
DJ Mixing skill increases extremely fast (at a very high rate of 1.6).
Rocket Science skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Programming skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Logic skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Fishing skill increases faster (at a rate of 1.2).

Child Motor skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).
Child Mental skill increases much faster (at a rate of 1.4).Why: When someone with ADHD experiences hyperfocus, they are able to work very efficiently, even on things they are not normally able to focus on!! It's an unshakeable state of mind where the person will not stop until their task at hand is finished, if they can help it.


  Creditos Adicionales: 

Sims 4 Studio. 
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial

Trade Voidcritters For All Ages por Shimrod101 actualizado para


              Esta es una version editada y actualizada  para  del mod Trade Voidcritters For All Ages. Este mod permite intercambiar no solo a niños Vacimonstruos sino tambien a los adolecentes, jovenes adultos y adultos. Elimine a los ancianos pues no tiene sentido ancianos intercambiado vacimounstrous por muy friki que sean.

 Actualizacion 27/11/2017:  Por peticion añado la version original con viejos. Solo usen uno.

        Descripcion Original:

This mod allows Teen, Young Adult, Adult and sims to trade voidcritters with other sims, so the trading of cards isn't child only anymore.

The Kids Room Stuff Pack is required for this mod; if you ain't got it, you ain't got Voidcritters!

This mod uses these XML files

Unzip the file and place the .package file in the Mods folder or subfolder.

Creditos Adicionales: 
Sims 4 Studio.
          Bueno ya por fin me decidi por un nombre original para mi blog. Aqui les dejo la historia sobre Ozymandias para quien no la sepa.

        Ozymandias es un soneto de Percy Bysshe Shelley, publicado el 11 de enero de 1818, y es probablemente el poema más famoso del poeta romántico, y quizás uno de los más claros ejemplos de la filosofía política subyacente en su movimiento literario. Además de la potencia de sus temas e imágenes, el poema es notable por su virtuosa dicción. El esquema de la rima del soneto es inusual y crea un efecto sinuoso y entrelazado.


        Ozymandias era un alias de Ramsés el Grande, faraón de la decimonovena dinastía del antiguo Egipto. El apodo viene de una transliteración griega de Ramsés hecha durante su reinado (User-maat-re Setep-en-re). El soneto parafrasea la inscripción en la base de una estatua, dado por Diodoro Sículo en su Bibliotheca historica, como "Rey de reyes soy yo, Ozymandias. Si alguien quiere saber cuán grande soy y dónde yago, que supere alguna de mis obras".

El tema central de "Ozymandias" es la inevitable decadencia de todos los líderes y de los imperios que estos construyen sin importar cuan poderosos fueron en su tiempo.​

A menudo se dice que el poema de Shelley fue inspirado por la llegada de una estatua colosal de Ramsés II a Londres en 1821, adquirido por el Museo Británico de las manos del aventurero italiano Giovanni Belzoni en 1816. ​ Rodenbeck y Chaney, ​ sin embargo, señalan que el poema fue escrito y publicado antes de que la estatua llegara a Gran Bretaña, y por lo tanto que Shelley no podría haberla visto. Su reputación en Europa Occidental precedió a su llegada real a Inglaterra (por ejemplo, Napoleón había intentado previamente adquirirla para Francia sin conseguirlo), por lo que pudo haber sido su fama o la noticia de su inminente llegada, en lugar de la visión de la estatua, lo que proporcionó la inspiración.


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away


Conocí a un viajero de una tierra antigua
que dijo: «dos enormes piernas pétreas, sin su tronco
se yerguen en el desierto. A su lado, en la arena,
semihundido, yace un rostro hecho pedazos, cuyo ceño
y mueca en la boca, y desdén de frío dominio,
cuentan que su escultor comprendió bien esas pasiones
las cuales aún sobreviven, grabadas en estos inertes objetos,
a las manos que las tallaron y al corazón que las alimentó.
Y en el pedestal se leen estas palabras:
"Mi nombre es Ozymandias, rey de reyes:
¡Contemplad mis obras, poderosos, y desesperad!"
Nada queda a su lado. Alrededor de la decadencia
de estas colosales ruinas, infinitas y desnudas
se extienden, a lo lejos, las solitarias y llanas arenas»

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Play Voidcritters For All Ages por Shimrod101 actualizado para


              Esta es una version editada y actualizada  para  del mod  Play Voidcritters For All Ages. Este mod permite jugar no solo a niños Vacimonstruos sino tambien a los adolecentes, jovenes adultos y adultos. Elimine a los ancianos pues no tiene sentido ancianos jugado vacimounstrous por muy friki que sean.

Actualizacion 27/11/2017:  Por peticion añado la version original con viejos. Solo usen uno.

               Descripcion Original:  

 This mod allows sims of all ages to play voidcritters on the Battle Station, both playing against other sims and training.

Teen, YA, Adult and Elder sims will do the various reactions in between the voidcritter moves, as can be seen on the sim on the right in the screeny. But when attacking, the overaged sims will not hit the buttons of the maskin like the kids do; they will sit quietly like the sim on the left. I think this is because they have an auto-attack function turned on maybe...
The children will do everything as they do in vanilla game.

The Kids Room Stuff Pack is required because if you ain't got the pack, you ain't got......voidcritters!

This mod uses these XML files:


And these JAZZ files:

Creditos Adicionales: 
Sims 4 Studio.

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017


        More Club Members [& Gender Requirements!] por Eurynome actualizado para Perros y Gatos.


             Este mod permite tener  mas de 8 miembros por club y/o filtros de genero para el ingreso a clubes. Lo he actualizado par Perros y Gatos asi que ahora ya muestra los nuevos ragos: Fanatico de los Gatos y y Fanatico de los Perros.

Mod original  por  Eurynome


   Descripcion Original:


As we know, Maxis loves restricting numbers to 8. Get Together adds so many great opportunities with the addition of clubs, but I think we can all agree that the clubs should be bigger. To this end, I created More Club Members for the current patch. This mod comes in two flavors: 20 members or 50 members. Please choose only one. In my own personal play, I use the 20 member mod because the game seems to cap club gatherings at around 20 Sims, anyways. A 20 Sim club will essentially fill an entire club hangout lot with Sims of your choosing.

That said, there is also a 50 member option. The 50 member option is useful for keeping track of large amounts of connected Sims, like those produced in a legacy. The 50 member option may cause your game to lag as it processes its routines for all 50 members. Some users may find it too slow for their own tastes.

       2/25/2017 UPDATE - GENDER FILTERS

At popular request, I have created two additional files for this mod, one for a 20 member club and one for a 50 member club. These new _Gender_ files will allow you to put gender requirements on your clubs, large or small. These files are all standalone. Only install one of the EL_MoreClubMembers_ packages!


Creditos  Adicionales:

Sims 4 Studio


Ahora estoy jugando los Sims 4 y he actulizado algunos mods para Gatos y Perros.

Tal vez mas adelante traduzca los titulos y las descripciones sin embargo no se cuando lo haga si es que lo hago pues no es mi prioridad. If you dont understand english, well i sorry my friend.

 Mod original por:  Simmersarah

                                The Sims 4 Vain Custom Trait by SimmerSarah

Description: These Sims are the most beautiful Sims in the world, at least in their own eyes. They love admiring themselves in the mirror and taking selfies. Vain Sims often want to spend time working out to maintain their physique, freshening up in the mirror or playing with makeup.

Descarga:   Vain Custom Trait


Sims 4 Studuio


                         The Sims 4 Space Enthusiast Custom Trait by SimmerSarah

Description: These Sims are obsessed with everything to do with space! They love to observe the stars, explore the universe and learn all there is to know about alien life. Space Enthusiasts gain the Rocket Science and Logic skills faster than other Sims, and benefit from a boost to the Astronaut and Scientist careers.

Descarga: Enthusiast Custom Trait


Sims 4 Studuio


                    The Sims 4 Social Butterfly Custom Trait by SimmerSarah

Description: These Sims love to socialise! They enjoy meeting new people, chatting with friends and checking their social media. Social Butterflies want as many friends and followers as possible! They gain the Charisma and Comedy skills faster than other Sims, and benefit from a boost to the Social Media career. Social Butterflies improve relationships at an increased rate but their Social need decays faster than other Sims.

Descarga:  Social Butterfly Custom Trait


Sims 4 Studuio


                                  All Of My Custom Traits In One Download File!

Paquete de 12 Rasgos Personalizados.

Romantico Incurable: These Sims dream of finding “the one”. They are devoted partners and will never want to flirt with sims other than their romantic interest. Hopeless Romantics enjoy being around the one they love, benefiting from an increased romantic relationship gain.

Cocinero Innato: These Sims are natural cooks! They can learn the cooking and baking skills faster than other Sims and can easily make higher quality food. Natural Cooks also benefit from a boost to the Culinary career.

Manitas: These Sims are gifted with a hammer and wrench! They are great at upgrading and repairing objects, and benefit from an increased Handiness skill gain. Handy Sims also benefit from a career boost to the Astronaut career.

Natural Born Performer: These Sims were born to be on stage! They love performing comedy, playing music, singing and dancing. Natural Born Performers learn Charisma, Comedy, Dancing and music skills faster than other sims. They also benefit from a boost to the Entertainer career.

Experto en Computadoras: These Sims are tech geniuses! They love programming and playing video games. A computer whiz’s savvy tech knowledge gives them an increased programming and video gaming skill gain and a boost to the Tech Guru career.

Nurturing: These Sims love caring for babies, toddlers and children! They often want to buy new toys and spend time with their children. Nurturing sims also benefit from a performance boost to the Babysitter career.

Trabajolico: These Sims are dedicated workers. They always aim for a promotion and never want to take a vacation day! Teens with this trait will aim for high grades at school and want to complete homework and extra credit assignments. Workaholics benefit from a boost to all career performance gain.

Green Thumb: These Sims love plants and enjoy spending time tending their garden! Their green thumb makes them natural gardeners, giving them an increase to the gardening and herbalism skills.

Photographer’s Eye: These Sims see life through the lens of a camera. They love taking
photographs and can always be found with a camera in hand. Sims with a Photographer’s Eye benefit from an increased photography skill gain and take higher quality photographs.

Amante de los Animales: These Sims love all kinds of animals. They enjoy collecting new frogs, insects and fish to add to their growing collection of pets. Animal Lovers benefit from an increased fishing skill gain.

Socially Awkward: These Sims constantly struggle with social interactions and prefer to be alone. Socially Awkward sims have a hard time building relationships and have a decreased Charisma and Comedy skill gain.

Angler: These Sims make great fishermen! They love fishing and strive to catch the biggest and best fish. Anglers benefit from an increased gain to the fishing skill and often catch higher quality fish.

Descarga: Paquete de 12 Rasgos Personalizados


Sims 4 Studuio
